Moving in sync with Salesforce and SleekFlow

4 min readSep 26, 2022

When it comes to onboarding new software, there are two words that almost everyone at the office dreads to hear. Data. Migration.

  • Cleaning the data to deduplicate (yes, that’s a word) information
  • Formatting the existing data to be imported into the new database.
  • Mapping the data in your new database so you can choose where your data goes

Let’s face it: it’s a time-consuming, energy-draining, and costly process that nobody wants to go through. So today we’re going to talk about a solution to overcome this challenge.

And if your company is using Salesforce to store your customer database, you’re definitely going to want to read further.

What happens when you combine a powerful CRM with an omnichannel social commerce hub

Salesforce is the largest CRM service provider in the world, making it a top choice for many enterprises. And for good reasons.

But as e-commerce becomes more about an all-in-one seamless experience, businesses of all sizes are looking for an easy way to manage omnichannel customer data within one place.

Enter: SleekFlow, an omnichannel social commerce hub that merges popular social media platforms (WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, etc.) with CRM and e-commerce tools to help you turn conversations into conversions.

While Salesforce provides many incredibly powerful features, its packages do not provide integration for messaging apps and create problems for businesses such as:

  • Low reply rates for email campaign that makes it difficult to filter high-quality leads.
  • Customer resources are not being effectively distributed to your sales teams.
  • Once the customer switches to another communication channel (for example, from email to WhatsApp), you end up being constantly on edge about losing the opportunity to drive more conversions from these existing customers.
  • When in-store customers drop a private message to the salesperson, the sales activity and progress do not get recorded, conversions fail to get tracked.
  • Slow or inefficient online customer service due to the lack of details for existing customers.

If you’re using Salesforce’s

  • Enterprise Edition
  • Unlimited Edition
  • Developer Edition
  • Performance Edition
  • Professional Edition (with API integration add-on purchased)

You can now connect Salesforce customer database to SleekFlow for enhanced managing omnichannel conversations conveniently and enhancing productivity.

Updating both CRM databases in one action

When you integrate Salesforce CRM with SleekFlow, your entire customer database on Salesforce CRM can be automatically synced to SleekFlow.

So when a customer contact is added on Salesforce, it will also be automatically reflected on SleekFlow, allowing you to collect customer details including a customer’s membership status simultaneously on Salesforce and SleekFlow.

And that’s not all.

You can also customize the specific fields mapped between Salesforce and SleekFlow; for example, the ‘Membership’ category on Salesforce can be changed to the ‘VIP’ category on SleekFlow.

Whenever the customers’ membership status is modified on Salesforce, the updates will reflect on SleekFlow automatically.

You can also customize the specific fields mapped between Salesforce and SleekFlow; for example, the ‘Membership’ category on Salesforce can be changed to the ‘VIP’ category on SleekFlow.

Another handy feature is that you can access Salesforce customer details beside the SleekFlow chatbox.

It makes life a whole lot easier to access everything in one place. On SleekFlow’s platform, your team will be able to check on the chat history as well as the existing data saved on Salesforce, including the lead source, the lead status, the account owner, the opportunities stage, and the opportunities’ close date.

As a single Salesforce contact can bring in many ‘opportunities’ depending on their purchase interest, SleekFlow’s omnichannel inbox eases the process down the sales funnel by showing all the ‘opportunities’ in one single interface, unlike the email inbox, which does not display the complete customer profile.

Keeping contacts in sync with Salesforce and SleekFlow

Research has shown that the success rate for customer acquisition generally ranges from 5 to 20%, but rises up to 60 to 70% for retargeted customers.

With every 5% of customer retention, the profit can be increased up to 25%.

At the end of the day, we want to make commerce easier for everyone.

So here are a few more benefits that connecting Salesforce to SleekFlow will bring your business:

  1. Convert opportunities into revenue fast
  2. Develop effective retargeting strategies from existing customer data
  3. Track campaign results across channels
  4. Offer instant customer support with high accuracy
  5. [BONUS] Contact information masking for data protection

Interested in reading more about What’s new in SleekFlow? Head to our latest product update blog for more.




SleekFlow is a centralized messaging platform to deliver great customer experience. Follow us and learn more about e-commerce and digital transformation tips!